VINNIE PAUL: I Never Really Understood Impact PANTERA Had On People Back In The Day

December 17, 2014

Earlier this week, Woody of the Minneapolis, Minnesota radio station 93X conducted an interview with former PANTERA and current HELLYEAH drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott. You can now listen to the chat using the SoundCloud widget below. A couple of excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On PANTERA's legacy:

Vinnie: "I never really sit down and think about it. I never really understood the impact that PANTERA had on so many people back in the day until we were done doing PANTERA. When you're in the moment and you're going full blast, you really don't think ever about thingsā€¦ I certainly don't about things from the past; I'm always looking forward to the future and where we're going next with things. And maybe some day I'll have a chance to sit down and relive it all and think about it all, but right now all I'm thinking about is this upcoming [HELLYEAH headlining] tour and going out and crushing people with all the new music off [HELLYEAH's latest album] 'Blood For Blood' and then getting back in the studio and making the fifth HELLYEAH record."

On what keeps him motivated:

Vinnie: "Music, man. Music's my life. I love playing music, I love being on the road. I love interacting with the fans. It's been something I've done my whole life. It's really the only thing I know. I'm not married, I don't have any kids, I don't have anything that really keeps me in a certain place at one time. I really enjoy being able to be out on the road and just really entertain people."

HELLYEAH's fourth album, "Blood For Blood", sold around 17,000 copies in its first week of release to land at No. 18 on the Billboard chart. The band's previous effort, 2011's "Band Of Brothers", opened with 19,000 copies back in July 2012 to debut at No. 19.

HELLYEAH recently toured North America as guests of FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH and VOLBEAT.

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